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As part of the festival, our school has joined the "Visit your school, get to know your scientist" project, which allowed us to look into the world of scientific research.

Thanks to that, we had the honor to get to know the work of scientist RNDr. Mgr. Jaroslava Brňová, PhD. - Head of the Department of Hospital Hygiene and Epidemiology at the Trnava Hospital. The doctor spoke to the Year 8 pupils about her journey to education, what she is currently working on as a scientist, and in her talk she focused on the current topic of "Microorganisms around us".

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Adventurous & Creative (12.-16.7.2021)

We spent the second week of the summer school club both adventurously and creatively. During this week we walked through Hlbočianska Valley, visited and also fed animals in Malkia Park. We were a little surprised by the weather when visiting Haluzicka tiesnava, but since we are strong, we managed it without any problems.

The next day we visited Driny Cave and the last day was a bit sporty. We jumped in Jump City, crawled in the pool on the playground and played a "balloon war" with water balloons. We also created something every day: t-shirts that will remind us of these days, animals made out of paper plates, lookout towers made of marshmallows and spaghetti, or a poster with memories of our moments together.

We spent a week full of creativity and fun.

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BANANA summer club (6.-9.7.2021)

BANANA summer club was full of fun and great memories. We started with a pleasant day spent on the farm, where we got to know various rare breeds of common animals. We fed them and learned interesting facts about them thanks to playing the game. Later we wandered around Trnava and saved the Minnions, and earned delicious reward - ice cream. We played sports and enjoyed various supercreative activities with the Minnions.

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Forest Adventure (6.-9.7.2021)

The weather was warm during this week so every day we cooled down by walking in the woods. We visited Hlbočiansky waterfall,

Haluzická tiesnava, we found a treasure in Katarínka and we ended the week with a barbeque in the school yard. It was a beautiful week full of discoveries and great memories.

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End of the School Year 2020/2021

Today we enjoyed the closing ceremony of the school year 2020/2021.

The last day of this school year has come. A school year that was different again, a little turbulent, a little crazy, at times challenging, but still full of experiences and possibilities. For some time, our classes moved home again - to children's rooms and living rooms. Online education has been a significant part of our teaching and learning. I am glad that, despite the modified conditions and possibilities, we have managed it together and gained new experiences that have taken us all further.

Despite that our school year went a little differently than usual, it was again full of success you achieved in competitions, representing our school, and extraordinary results throughout your studies.

Congratulations to all who have achieved extraordinary success, but also to all others who have done their best! 

I wish you all beautiful summer full of adventures and well-deserved rest.

(Editor's note: Children were in classrooms without face masks ONLY for the time needed for taking the photos.)

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This year has been different than the previous years. However, this did not stop the motivation of our pupils and therefore many, despite everything, were able to collect awards. They real put in an efford in reading books, they visited interesting places, participated in team games, they did good deeds, and created beautiful projects. We also included the most interesting projects in the „Brochure of Pupils‘ Projects“. Pupils with a platinum certificate, classes of the year and houses of the year were awarded.

Congratulations to the winners and we are already looking forward to all the new projects and creating great memories that the students will share with us in the next school year.

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During our literature class, we discovered that most of the projectors project 24 images every second. This happens so fast that you cannot see individual images, but only how it convert from one frame to another. This is exactly how animation is created. How better to test this theory than to test it in practice? And so the students of Year 5 became animators for a while, and they were truly the best ones. Their ourcome could easily compete with the one from Hollywood. What do you think? Judge it for yourself!

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This Year 9 students learned about balancing forces, weight and bearing capacity. They researched information about famous world bridges and based on that build their own bridges.

This was a teamwork, where everyone had to take on some responsibility, bring materials etc. All of the lessons had creative and work atmosphere. The results are worth it.

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If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. :) Surely, you all are familiar with this quote, which describes this school year. In literature lessons, we were learning about puppet play, and since we could not visit any puppet theatre, the puppet theatre visited us.

However, the creators and puppeteers were none other than the pupils.

They wrote the screenplay themselves, created puppets and scenery, and enjoyed playing beautiful puppet plays for their classmates.

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Children's Day

Children's Day was again in the spirit of sports this year.

Pupils competed in various sports. Six disciplines were prepared for both Year 1- Year 4 and Year 5- Year 9, for which pupils could gain points for their house.

Younger pupils, for example, tried to cross a sea full of sharks or toss a ball with towels. Older pupils tried to cooperate in an obstacle course and throw an American football ball through a tire.

They spent part of the day in the classroom, working on creating a school mascot, dance, sports or advertising videos. At the end of the day, voting for the best videos and mascot took place and the announcement of the winners of sports disciplines followed.

This year, the green house won the gold medals. Congratulations. :)

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Friday morning of our Year 1-4 pupils was enriched by a discussion with the author Mária Vrkoslavová and her cocker spaniel Gordon.

A pleasant time spent in the sun with many beautiful stories of the dog Gordon attracted our children. After the discussion, pupils bought books with signature of the author and the dog paw stamp, which brought a big smile on their faces.

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I know what I eat

We have only one health and therefore it is necessary to take care of ourselves. Even this school year, we participated in the project "I know what I eat." We know how to protect ourselves and strengthen our immunity, what should we limit or what is the needed daily fluids intake. We also want to contribute to being healthy. We know that everything needs to be done in moderation.

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During the second week of May, the civic education classes were aimed at the memory of Victory Over Fascism Day.

Pupils working in groups connected the photos of historical figures to the various events that happened to them during their lives, and we reminded ourselves that human rights in the past were not so certain. In addition to the most famous activists in this area (Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi), the pupils also learned about other important people who contributed to the promotion of human rights.

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Creative biology

This year during Biology, our Year 6 pupils devoted themselves to their big project. The task was to model certain organism and describe its internal or external structure. Thus, they created a diverse selection of 3D models of various organisms.

While modelling, they demonstrated both their knowledge and their use of skills and creativity. Modelling was an experience due to which we learn more information not only about mushrooms and plants, but also about animals across the entire animal kingdom. Pupils used peer learning to pass on this knowledge to their classmates.

We exhibited the projects on the premises of our school, so these may enrich and inspire other pupils who visited the exhibition.

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Week of Reading Aloud

It has become a nice tradition that every year in April, there is an event called Week of Reading Aloud. The idea of this event is to bring the world of adults closer to the world of children through stories and fairy tales. That is why we implemented activities in our school to support an increase of interest in books and reading.

This year, a colourful meadow full of medicinal herbs or a land of miracles and magic awaited us. With the help of the teachers, who read to us for seven days, we solved tasks, worked with the text, got to know medicinal herbs and magic objects, answered questions, and thus gained clues that led us to the searched word.

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"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." - Jacqueline Kennedy

During March, the month of books, there was an interesting reading challenge on the Internet. The instructions were to find your favourite book, immerse yourself in the story, and use your imagination. After reading the book, all you had to do was take a picture, share it on social media and add #TurnOffPCTakeABook.

And so the Year 5 pupils got to work immediately and joined the challenge. They introduced their favourites to the classmates and inspired each other to read many interesting titles full of adventure, suspense and fantasy.

However, since the aim of this challenge was to inspire children in Slovakia to read, we offer you a choice of the best for you as well. If, as a result, even one child leaves the computer screen and reaches for a book, it makes sense!

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Fairy tales

Fairy tales - who wouldn't like them? Year 5 pupils were discovering the charm of folk, original, animal and modern fairy tales during literature lessons, and although the dramatization of fairy tales is intended primarily for the classroom, we don‘t even give up online. On the contrary, through Roald Dahl and his fairy tale The Witch, we moved directly to the centre of events using experiential methods.

The online lesson was once full of evil witches (i.e. girls in amazing costumes with wigs on their heads, sharp claws and especially with mouse drops that poison all the children of the world) and mice (boys, who eventually outfoxed witches together). During the lesson, we tried a number of experiential methods: brainstorming in the introduction to the witches, a hot chair, on which we "drilled" the main witch with questions, a game of teacher, and last but not least, Cinquain, through which children created 5 verses about the main characters.

Did they like the lesson? Our photos tell it all. :)

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Safe Internet Day

A safe environment on the internet for all, and especially for our children is a very important topic for us, in particular at this time when our communication (and our lives) has moved to the online environment.

On the occasion of this day, we have prepared interactive webinars for Year 3 – Year 9 pupils in cooperation with experts from DigiQ companies. We talked about, for example, who are hackers and how to protect yourself from them, but also what are social networks and how to use them as safely as possible.

You can see more photos from today in our GALLERY.

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On Thursday, February 4th, 2021 we reminded our pupils that oncological diseases do not have to be a scarecrow. Prevention and a healthy lifestyle since childhood are important. We discussed with pupils how we can reduce the risk of cancer. Our children made posters to support people with cancer. We believe we can help.

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