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Online learning :)

Even though the current situation does not allow us to study and meet in person at school, our first-graders are not giving up and they continue in distance learning with (almost) the same results while studying at home. Everyone including our Y1 students is doing a great job!

You can see more photos of online learning in our GALLERY.

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Today we celebrated class Christmas.

We enjoyed the atmosphere of the upcoming holidays, unwrapped class gifts under our Christmas tree, created beautiful artworks with a Christmas theme, played board games and watched fairy tales.

You can see more photos from today in our GALLERY.

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St. NicHolas day

Who lit up the faces of our children today? Of course, it was Saint Nicholas with his entourage!

Even this year, which is so different, he did not forget about the children and came to give them presents. In return, children prepared beautiful poems for him. He did not even miss the Year 5- Year 9 pupils, whom he greeted online.

You can see more photos from today in our GALLERY.

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The firstgraders´ inauguration ceremony

We had an exceptional day at our school today!

The firstgraders´ inauguration ceremony took place in their classes. Our Y1 pupils presented an amazing program for our principal, they took a freshman vow and after the ceremony they became proud students of our BESST school. We wish them all the best, lots of beautiful moments, experiences and new valuable skills. :)

For more photos check out our GALLERY.

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The autumn season in our school has been traditionally celebrated by Falloween. Our students decorated their classes and hallways in spirit of autumn colors and Halloween theme, they made creations from typical autumn fruits and they came to school dressed up in beautiful hallowen constumes. Our school was full of princesses, superheroes, cute animals and other creative creatures.

There‘s a small taste of our Falloween celebration in the gallery.

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Waste paper collection results

Once again, our students would not have missed the opportunity to contribute to the protection of the environment and they participated in the waste paper collection organized by our school from 5.10. to 16.10.2020. This year, thanks to all of you, we have managed to collect an amazing amount of 13,190 kg of waste paper. Thank you! :)

You can find our winners for this year and the final placement of the individual classes in the gallery below.

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Adaptation day

On last Friday we had our Adaptation day. We got to know each other better, we learned how to unite the team and much more. Our day was full of fun activities - check out our photos.

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Presents for Y1 pupils

Thanks to STEFE Trnava, s.r.o. the beginning of school year 2020/2021 was even more joyful. Like every year, they brought a goodie bag full of school supplies for every Year 1 pupil at our school. This nice gesture made our day even better and put a big smile on our faces.
Thank you for visiting us and bringing the presents. We look forward to seeing you next year.

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New school year 2020/2021

We started the 2020/2021 school year a little differently than we are used to.
Despite the masks and new school rules, we did not hide the joy of meeting each other.

Dear students, in school year 2020/2021 we wish you a lot of success and good health.
Together we will handle all the opstacles.

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Farm life

Our last week of BESST summer camps was filled with adventures of life in nature. We found that it is not only hard work but also fun. We started our adventure in the Corn Maze in Vlčkovce. Janka from Baterkáreň told us about herbs and together we made lavender bags, herbal soaps and bath bombs. At Kamenný mlýn ponds we caught a few small fish, which we then let back into the water. We tried out several crafts on Dolné Orešany farm - we tried ourselves as bakers, pottery and wireworks... The Maradriam kennel gave us a quick course in agility, breeding and care for Sheltie dogs and long-haired Collies. We ended our great week in Medolandia in Dolná Krupa. Here we learned something new about bees, we saw a pack of honey, expored the area and enjoyed a great lunch. We look forward to next year.

To see more photos, click here

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Oscars week

Our older kids had the opportunity to attend Oscars week, where they recorded their own movie. Not only did they record, edit, write the script etc., but they also experienced basic acting training. They worked on their voice, movement, cooperation, fantasy and creativity.
The results are amazing, their movies are a proof of their hard work and dedication. At the end, all campers attended a glamorous Oscars party.

To see more photos, click on our gallery.

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Land of adventures

During the first week of August, we drew our land of adventures and experienced them. We visited the gallery of optical illusions of Tripland, where we hid in a bubble under the sea, floated in space or fed monkeys. We had fun jumping in Jump arena in Bratislava and Trnava. We also wandered in a corn maze and successfully found clues, solved tasks and found our way out.

To see more photos, visit our gallery.

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Young artist

During the summer camp called Young artist we created many art pieces not only in our studios, but also outside in the school yard.

We started the week with a film morning, where we got acquainted with animated images of music. We used this experience in intuitive painting. The following days we tried Think Art and The Big Picture techniques. We enjoyed a trip to the manor house in Dolná Krupa, where, in addition to interesting paintings, we had the opportunity to see a forty-five-meter redwood tree in a historical park. On the last day of our camp, each of us tried out what it’s like to be Picasso.
Throughout the week, we worked on our memorial book, in which we recorded all the wonderful experiences that the Young Artist camp brought us.

More photos can be found in our gallery

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On the way

During the week we visited mini tropical forest at Haluzicka gorge and ruins of an old church nearby. We walked through Hlbočianksa valley - the largest and most beautiful valley of Smolenice karst. At Včelárska paseka museum in Kráľová pri Senci we learned a lot of interesting and useful facts about bees. We also visited Malkia park and finished our great week watching a film at cinema.

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Magical forrest

During the week we visited the nest at Plavecký castle, we conquered the highest peak of Little Carpathians - Ostrý kameň. We also took a pleasant walk to Branč castle, Korlátka castle and Rozbehy lookout. We finished the week by visiting Molpír fort and learning how to kindle a fire using tinderbox.

Ice cream at Smolenice was a sweet reward for all of us.

To see more photos, click here

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On the first week of our school holiday, during the school camp called Wanderer we did excatly what the name of the camp says – we went wandering. There were 24 of us from Year 2 - Year 4 and together we discovered many interesting places around Trnava: we visited Farm house Náš sen in Pusté Uľany, where we learned a lot about animals, we fed bunnies, goats, lambs, llama. We also combed goats, went for a boat ride and took piglet to a pasture. On the next day we visited Piešťany power plant. We tried to create simple circuits on paper and learned a lot about plants and bees. Then we visited Piešťany Spa Island and went for a train ride. At Trnava rope playground we tested our sthrenght – some of us even tried 8m jump and then we tested our patience and precision at a golf course. On the last day of our camp we went for relaxing forrest walk and visited amazing ruins of Katarínka castle. We also created loads od comics and artipeces at school.
The whole week was quickly over and we are already loking forward to our new holiday adventures.
To see more photos click HERE

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Back in time

Guess who enjoyed the view from the tower of Smolenice Castle, unlocked the gates of Červený kameň Castle, cooled in Driny Cave, smelled roses in Countess Henrietta's rose garden and watched the film Forward at cinema?

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Motivation system results for school year 2019/2020

During the school year our pupuls were collecting pins for their projects - they read books, visited places, made extra effort during online lessons…
Their year-round effort was rewarded and announced during the school assebly at school playground. Congratulations to all who won their prizes! Take a well deserved rest during the holidays and get new inspiration for your next projects!

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Year 1 playing golf

On last Friday of school year 2019/2020 we tried out a new sport - golf. After the sky has cleared out we would test our golfing skills.
It was a great day for all of us.

To see more photos, check out our gallery.

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Did you know that social networks were here before the Internet? Or that it can sometimes better not to tell the truth? And what exactly is personal data?
Our Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils had an opportunity to find out more about this during interactive webinars on social networking and personal data protection which were delivered by professionals from DigiQ and KPMG Slovakia. Since this is a very popular topic among children, we are also preparing another interactive webinar where experts will answer their questions.
To make sure parents are also familiar with the online world, we are also preparing a webinar about the same topics for parents.

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