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"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." - Jacqueline Kennedy

During March, the month of books, there was an interesting reading challenge on the Internet. The instructions were to find your favourite book, immerse yourself in the story, and use your imagination. After reading the book, all you had to do was take a picture, share it on social media and add #TurnOffPCTakeABook.

And so the Year 5 pupils got to work immediately and joined the challenge. They introduced their favourites to the classmates and inspired each other to read many interesting titles full of adventure, suspense and fantasy.

However, since the aim of this challenge was to inspire children in Slovakia to read, we offer you a choice of the best for you as well. If, as a result, even one child leaves the computer screen and reaches for a book, it makes sense!

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