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Christmas Play - Frozen

Once a year our city changes ... it happens always when we feel that we should be better ... so on December 21st, we concluded the Christmas party with pupils of the third, fourth and fifth grades.

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Christmas Play A Little Star

Christmas, a quiet magic of precious days, a time full of love, miraculous ... even with these words we celebrated the most beautiful holidays with the pupils of the first and second grade on the 20th of December at the Christmas party.

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The Book Fair

Our annual Christmas Book Fair was a huge success! We swam trough the oceans of words, jumped into adventures and explored fantasy worlds all at one place! Books in English brought by the publishing house MEGABOOKS provided inspiration for our next explorations. Moreover, we were gifted books for our school library!

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The Wish Fulfilling Tree

Christmas spirit was present in every corner of our school in December. The Wish Fulfilling Tree was lit once again with love and compassion as we gathered gifts for non-profit organization Plamienok.

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St. Nicolas Day

Yesterday was a very special day for all children. St. Nicolas came to give a little surprise to each child and we all enjoyed educational concert by pupils of the ZUŠ Hlohovec.

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First graders Matriculation

A festive matriculation of the first graders, the official acceptance to the pupil section, took place on November 24th. Parents could see what their children can do to prove their skills by performing various tasks.

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We drum so that the children can be better heard

November 19th  is World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse and November 20th is a day declared by UNICEF as the World Day of International Convention on the Rights of Children. And this the very day was the day of the 4th “Drumming session” under the title "Making Children be Heard better". Everyone was drumming in the same time, from 11:00, in towns and villages throughout Slovakia. And children in our school Besst, again, this year, joined the initiative with pleasure and contributed to this state-wide activity with their “little” noise because no one can be indifferent to the unfortunate fate of many unhappy children in the world...

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Bookmarks Connect Schools

October is the month when we remember the International Day of School libraries. The Slovak Pedagogical Library in Bratislava in cooperation with Jiří Mahen's Library in Brno annually announce for Primary Schools and eight-year grammar schools a Czech-Slovak project called Bookmarks Connect Schools on the occasion of October being the International Month of School Libraries.
This year's announced topic was: The Mysterious World of Book Stories. Our school has been participating in the projects for the last five years and in the private school BESST our pupils made their own bookmarks following the given topic. After the show, our bookmarks were sent to our partner school; this year it was the Elementary School Soľ.
Everyone - the little ones as well as the adults - enjoyed a nice display of the bookmarks. After the show we took the bookmarks down and sent them to our friends. They, in return, sent their bookmarks to us... this is how the school partnership works in the project entitled: Bookmarks Connect Schools...

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Piataci sa tento rok venujú téme odpadu a ekologickejšiemu zmýšľaniu.  Vďaka filmovému festivalu EKOTOPFILM, ktorý je zameraný na uplatňovanie zásad trvalo udržateľného rozvoja sme sa toho nie len veľa naučili, ale sa aj zabavili.  Pridajte sa k nám na ceste za zdravšou planétou!

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On October 27th ,  our school was haunted by ghosts and ghouls. Students of our primary school came dressed in scary and funny costumes. Students used their creativity to transform their classrooms into autumn wonders and Halloween frights. Our laboratory was converted into a haunted quest where students completed tasks for keys to gain a sweet treat. Our Halloween photo area was fun for all with many Halloween memories saved for all time.   

Find more photos in our PHOTOGALLERY.

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Magical Physics

There was a physics show in our gym on Wednesday 25th of October. Mr. Figura from Prešov showed our pupils of y6-9 interesting and captivating physical experiments.

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Trip to Ireland

Once again our students had a chance to go abroad again. This year they have been practising their language skills in Ireland. They had so many opportunities to talk to other people but also to see beautiful nature and go sightseeing.   Students visited the Wax Museum and fortunately they didn´t get lost in the Mirror Labyrinth. The same cannot be said about their teachers. J  The very next day pupils visited the Powerscout Gardens where they could enjoy traditional sandwich with vegetables in the delightful nature.  In the middle of the trip students turned into Vikings and tasted the adventure of the Viking Splash Tour. The bus was amphibious so it drove on the road but also floated on water.  Pupils interested in sports were able to learn about their national game called “hurling“  but not only that. Furthermore they could also try it out in the Croke Park Stadium.  They could explore the traditions by visiting Little Museum of Dublin, Christ Church Cathedral and of course The St. Paul´s Cathedral. Tired from all those adventures we came back home and shared all that experience with their parents and classmates.

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Adaptative week for the Y1 pupils

Adaptačný týždeň sa začal na dopravnom ihrisku. Najskôr sme sa oboznámili s dopravnými predpismi. Jazdou na bicykloch, pedálových štvorkolkách i na pešo ako chodci sme si vyskúšali, čo sme sa naučili a ako sa máme správať v premávke. V utorok naša cesta smerovala do Piešťan.

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