The enthusiasm is reflected on the faces of our pupils as they enjoy a fantastic adventure in the land of building with the iconic LEGO bricks. The sun is shining and the good weather allows us to explore the many attractions. The children enjoy roller coasters, water rides and a scenic train ride that offers spectacular views of the whole of Legoland. In addition, we have the opportunity to admire the amazing Lego creations that transport us into a world of imagination and creativity. Every moment is precious to us and filled with the joy of this unrepeatable experience. We are sure that this trip will be a memory that our pupils will remember and share with others for a long time to come.
We are very happy that we can meet again, and together start another school year of gaining knowledge, experience and adventures.
We warmly welcome our Year 1 and new pupils, parents and employees who have joined our school family this year. We wish this year to be filled with new friendships, experiences and opportunities for you to explore.
This place is more than just "our school". It is a place where stories are made, where we all work together to create a life full of the values that are so important to us and our school: 'With heart, together, creatively, safely and challengingly'.
We wish to all our students a beautiful year at school BESST.
art camp
The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of. (Leonardo da Vinci)
And we really saw it during our ART CAMP! Together we visited art places and saw the beauty of colours materialised in eye-catching exhibitions, in Trnava Museum , Danubiana and in the history breathing paintings, sculptures and frescoes in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. Everyone found their favourite style of art. Children also enjoyed the art in the ongoing exhibition Landscape of Beauty - Ornament through the Eyes of Children at the Museum. The director of Trnava Television (MTT) and her team showed the children media art and everyone could experience being an editor, camera man or producer.
Every day our art explorers became artists themselves - they worked with watercolour, encaustic, ceramic painting, combined techniques, lettering, intuitive upcycling and painting with giant brushes.
It was a week full of good vibes, experiences and great ideas.
year in 5 days
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience a year in five days? Our children experienced such a year in one week at summer camp. We enjoyed the best days of the year in five days. The children made Valentines, we had an Easter egg hunt, there was a Falloween costume parade, Secret Santa left us homemade gifts under the Christmas tree, and we welcomed the New Year during a spectacular party. We enjoyed a day at the ranch with the children, a training on the golf course, a trampoline park, climbing at the rope centre and a film at the cinema. Farewell friends!
camp castle adventures
A camp full of adventures took us into the history of castles. We have visited Nitra Castle and Pezinsky Castle, which interested us with their ancient stories and history. We were rewarded with beautiful views of the Molpír castle. We also had fun with activities in our school. There were various cheerful games full of laughter, making and drawing castles and experiences from the trips. We even found a treasure in the school which we got to by solving puzzles and clues. On the last day we were entertained by great archers who taught us how to use a bow and arrow. And finally we made our own bow and arrow.
activity camp
Our camp was full of fun activities and adventures. The children learned how to clean, saddle and ride a horse. They also learned how to shoot a bow and the best three of them won an original archery medal. They tested their energy reserves by jumping the trampolines as well as their courage by jumping from a height into the air bag. Playing group gmes in the Heroes Laser Arena, Team up center and doing quizzes that we prepared for them, they strengthened their team spirit. During the whole week, everyone was very happy to meet their good friends.
Summer is the time to relax, discover, get to know old friends and make new friends, especially at a summer camp. We experience it all in a camp named Little bit of everythink. We made our own pottery, cooled down in a cave, discovered the secrets of the stars and the sun, got to know the beauty of beekeeping, saw a big redwood, visited a gallery and even made shaman masks.
adventures of harry potter
This week, Besst School was transformed into haven for schooling young wizards! Little wizards and witches were placed in Hogwarts-like faculties and competed all week to win the Faculty Cup. The wizards and witches created wands, learned spell casting, transfigure, gather magical herbs and brew them into useful potions. The quidditch tournament was played with great enthusiasm, even though it turned out to be a very hard sport. All the games were highly interesting. After this sunny week, Besst School is twenty trained wizards richer!
holiday wanderers
Holidays are in full swing, so we put on our wandering boots and set out to explore the western Slovakia. We visited the ruins of the Katarínka Monastery, where we heard an interesting legend. We found out what the Haluzicka Gorge hides. Our next steps led us to the Minifarm in Lubina and to the castle Červený Kameň. There we watched a performance of falconers. We finished the whole week in the cinema.
Evaluation Motivation System
Once again, we are celebrating the year-long efforts of the students in the school's Motivation System.
Through activities and projects in their free time some pupils were able to earn platinum and diamond certificates. As a reward for this effort, they were given books in English.
The winning classes, 2.B and 8.B, enjoyed applause and a delicious cake. We would like to congratulate them.
ceremony to the end of the school year 2022/2023
This is the moment to express admiration and appreciation for the achievements, progress and tireless efforts we have made throughout the year. Each of us has contributed in own way to enrich our school life. Together, we overcame new challenges and grew as individuals and as a community. This school year was again full of success that you have achieved in competitions, in representing the school and by extraordinary results throughout your studies. We wish you all a wonderful summer full of experiences and well-deserved rest.
The school barbecue
The school barbecue traditionally provides a space for end-of-year performances by our pupils. This year, again, was full of music, dance, sports, science, arts, good food and having a BBQ together. Parents had the opportunity to attend a music concert, an art exhibition, see sports tournaments, gymnastic, dance and chemistry performances of their children. But what was the best part? Being part of the connection between the school and the students' families. To experience and feel that indescribable atmosphere around the fire - to experience it TOGETHER.
spartan charity
The teachers at BESST support children in the fight against cancer. On Saturday afternoon, a thirteen-member expedition consisting of kindergarten, primary school and high school teachers took part in a 5 km course with twenty obstacles at the SPARTAN CHARITY event in Šamorín. Thanks to the team spirit and the support of our pupils competing in other categories, we managed to complete the entire route and to help a good cause. All of the proceeds from the entry fee went to SVETIELKA NÁDEJE - a children's oncology aid centre.
The first day of June was dedicated to children
They enjoyed this beautiful sunny day and tried their skills in various sports activities. They tried throwing, jumping, running, basketball dribbling, soccer and much more. We saw determination, ambition and desire to overcome all the disciplines and obstacles that came in the way.
Thanks to all participants, helpers from our high school and teachers.
Our pupils also attended the vernissage at the West Slovak Museum in Trnava
The project "Landscape of Beauty - Slovak Ornament Through the Eyes of Children" is part of the nationwide school project Ornamental Map of Slovakia. The aim of the exhibition is to present Slovak ornaments through the eyes of children and to draw public attention to this basic element of local culture, which has evolved over millennia and has had a social and protective function in addition to its aesthetic one.
The exhibition also included works from our atelier at BESST.
You can see the exhibition Landscape of Beauty until 30 July 2023.
earth day
Our school celebrated Earth Day unconventionally, creatively and with heart. We started with a fashion show presenting dresses made of waste materials. Pupils from the Green School, led by Ms. Adel made unique dresses. They used polystyrene, plastic or foil left over after the construction of the extension of our school building, We then moved on to the so-called hallway learning with various activities - planting a class plant and micro herbs, making pots out of tetrapack, finding out our carbon footprint, playing quizzes focusing on the environment and much more. We experienced a programme full of fun, learning and working together.
This weekend we were able to renew the tradition of our SCHOOL SATURDAY, for the purpose of improving our school.
As the weather did not allow us to work outdoors even on the alternate date, we decided to enhance the interior of our school.
We restored the walls in the corridors to their pure white colour
and we prepared and glued spring flowers on the windows.
Thank you everyone - big and small - who participated in this school event.
A year full of adventures that books hold is behind us and our Reading Room, which like a caring mother provides a nest for books, is celebrating its first birthday. With 2,000 loans, we can safely say that our children love to read.
What is the better way to celebrate such a momentous occasion than by reading itself? And to read to us came our distinguished guest Tibor Mrkvička Hujdič, whose engaging voice rang resoundingly through the space.
The stimulating discussion that sparked among the children only goes to show how important quality books are in their further development.
The children were given the task of bringing a book that they think belongs in the top 20 to read before you grow up. Children have put a dot to the book they think is good and so they create a selection of the best books. (exactly 258 children from 1st and 2nd grade)
There was also a blowing out of the first candle, a tasty cupcake and lots of inspiration for our readers.
first aid course
On March 14 and 15, 2023, 7th grade students completed a certified first aid course. Experienced rescuers showed the students in a playful way how to provide first aid in various life-threatening situations. With the help of mannequins, the students tried out how to help a person who is suffocating, how to perform heart massage on adults and babies. The end of the course was devoted to the prevention of the use of alcohol and narcotic substances. Students could realize their negative impact by simulating such a situation using special glasses.
A new generation of collaborative robots at our school
A programmer and technician from the ABB company came to present us with the latest collaborative robotic arm. The presentation was held for all 1st grade classes. The children had the opportunity to see how the robotic arm can move efficiently and perform various tasks. The workshop was intended for 2nd graders from Lego robotics circles. The students learned about the activities of the ABB company, about what different robotic arms are used in the real world and even tried to program it themselves. The aim of this active lecture was to show the children how robots are used to solve real problems and to give them knowledge in the field of robotics and technologies. Thanks to the ABB company, this experience left a great impression on the children and could inspire many in their future careers.