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Sock challenge at BESST

On 21st March 2020 our school took part in Sock Challenge.

What is a sock challenge?
On this day, two different socks are worn to celebrate human uniqueness. The challenge is addressed to all who want to show solidarity and support for people with Down syndrome and their families. At the same time, it broadens the awareness that a person with Down syndrome makes this world more beautiful, varied, interesting and inspiring.
Why socks?
Different socks have become a symbol of World Down Syndrome Day because the chromosome has the shape of a sock. It is thanks to chromosomes that you look like your parents.
Why date 21. 3.?
There is also symbolism in this date. In the nucleus of each body cell there are 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother. People with Down syndrome have one extra chromosome. This single chromosome is added at the location of the 21st chromosome. This genetic disorder is called the trisomy of the 21st chromosome.

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Schools on Football

During this spring our school will not miss any of the matches of this year’s football season. We took part in project called Schools on Football and we are supporting Spartak Trnava. This Sunday we visited traditional derby match with Ms. Ivet and Ms. Janka.

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Safer Internet Day

„Together for safer internet“ – is the motto of Safer Internet Day. During this week we reminded ourselves how to stay safe while using digital technology during various activities.

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Skiing Trip

Students from grade 1 to 4 had the opportunity to enjoy a skiing trip which was organised in the ski resort Ski Čertov – Lazy pod Makytou.
Skiing conditions were very good and the slope well prepared. We had first hand experience with all types of weather – snowing, sun shining and raining as well. We didn’t get discouraged by anything and continued to improve our skills. The biggest improvement was visible in students who were skiing for the first time in their life, nevertheless were able to ski down the whole slope safely and most importantly by themselves.
All students who participated in this skiing trip were awarded medals for their endurance, fitness and skills. Many thanks also to the teachers who took care of us during this course.

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spherical cinema

Cinema at school? Spherical cinema? Where? In our school gym. Our Y1 and Y2 pupils lie down comfortably in an inflated dome and got carried away into space, trees… They felt bit dizzy but it was all worth experiencing this interesting experience.

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Christmas - magical time

Time of joy and happiness always comes at the end of the year. Christmas, magical time, is no only about presents but also about doing good, love and time spent with our closest people. We were reminded of this during the Christmas recital of years 1 and 2. In all skits, we unpacked stories hidden in the presents. We got to know the magic of Christmas which is so often forgotten.

Photos from our Christmas recitals can be found in our gallery

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Y3 and Y4 Christmas recital

18th of December was an extraordinary day for Y3 and Y4 pupils, their teachers and parents. During their Christmas recital they showed us how Christmas in Slovakia was celebrated in past and which traditions have been kept to this day.
Year 4 pupils demonstrated Christmas traditions from different countries - Poland, India, China, North and Sounth America.

The whole recital - according our Head teacher, was world-class!

To see photos from the recital, please click here

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Drumming 2019

On Tuesday, 19th November, a project called Drummer of the year took place accross Slovakia. This day symbolically highlights the importance of protecting children from violence. Its aim is to open up the topic of early prevention of violence in society. The idea of the event was "To make children hear better"
On this day, children and adults accross Slovakia supported the project through loud rhytms of not only drums, but also by banging or stamping from 10.00 am to 11.00 am. And again, as every year, we supported this idea in our school and Bubnovačka 2019 was attended by our students from Year 7 and Year 9.

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Science and Technology Week

By attending a lovely event organized by the Department of Chemistry at the Faculty of Education at the University of Trnava within the Week of Science and Technology, our Year 7 pupils aroused interest in natural sciences and at the same time improved their perception of science or technology as such. They enjoyed visiting the laboratories where they could see, hear and feel the right chemical atmosphere.

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Because fall is such a beautiful colourful season, rich with many typical fruits, we decided to switch Halloween for Falloween. We celebrated Falloween by decorating the classrooms with fall decorations and doing crafts using fall fruits. Again this year, our students chose beautiful costumes. During our English lessons, we had fun doing fall-themed activities.

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City of robots

This week our Year 2 pupils visited international Interactive exhibition called City of Robots in Bratislava, where they could see newest robots from all over the world. They saw the robo-actors performances, they tried many experiments.
They also took pictures with robots and had a great time!

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Year 1 pupils matriculation

Our BESST family has grown again - our new Y1 pupils were welcomed to Primary school. They showed us what they have learned in a short time at school and now we can officially call them pupils. They gave their first promises to fulfill all their pupils' duties.
Dear Year 1 pupils - welcome to our BESST family and we wish you to feel good with us, to fulfill all your desires and to have joyful moments of discovery as well as satisfaction from good work.

To see more photos, visit our Gallery

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Schools at Football

Football club Spartak Trnava has been running a project called “Schools at Football” and our school also took part in it.
We visited Anton Malatinský stadium with Ms Ivet, Ms Janka and Ms Lucka and enjoyed the great football atmosphere at the league match.

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Let's talk about food

In October the pupils of BESST talked about food a little bit more than it is usual. We participated in an event, which was organised by The Centre of knowledge about food. It is a non- profit organization that operates in Slovakia. It`s goal is to increase awareness of food and healthy eating habits as a part of healthy lifestyle during the whole life.

Our pupils took part in two categories; Let`s talk about food and Tasty painting. We picked 3 topics. On Tuesday, 15th October 2019 we discussed and tasted different vegetables, fruit and nuts from our gardens, On Thursday, 17th October, we prepared healthy plates according to the well-balanced diet which we eventually ate, and on Friday, 18th October, we did some sport activities in the spirit of “Eat and move.” 149 pupils had fun participating in the event under the guidance of their class teachers.

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Did you know that there is the only Cenacolo Community Center in Slovakia near Trnava?

We went to Kráľová pri Senci with the NBV group and heard interesting testimony of two young men who have lived there for several years. We were intrigued that even though they had everything, they felt empty and tried to solve their emptiness with drugs. Today in the Community Center they live out of charity, prayer and sincere friendship, and are happy even if they don't have a mobile phone or access to social networks. We haven't missed pigs, sheep, goats, cows or donkeys in the Community Center :-).

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Our students often hear about the consequences of excessive use of phones and electronic devices. How to determine the “healthy limits” of surfing the Internet and when it is a pointless waste of time we learned in a lecture, followed by various activities.

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Adaptation Week

During first week of September we had our Adaptation days. Whole year 1 visited farm house Náš sen. We met many animals and we instantly fell in love with. We could pat them feed them and even brush them. After delicious lunch as a reward we all got ice cream. On our second day we went to Kinderclub, where we had loads of fun. Now we are big Year 1 friends!

To see more photos, click HERE.

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School year 2019/2020 kickoff!

On 2nd September 2019 our school gates opened again. The start of new school year brought several changes - we welcomed our new Head Teacher- Mgr. Eva Polláková. We also welcomed our new schoolmates.

We hope this school year brings lot of adventure and unforgettable moments for all of us!

To see more photos, click HERE

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