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Crisscross though the ruins

In the “Crisscross though the ruins” Summer camp, we immersed ourselves in the ancient history of kings, princesses, brave knights and court clowns. We visited the Beckov Castle, the ruins of Katarínka, Dobrá Voda and Tematín. Together we walked 31 kilometers. The children showed that they are proficient tourists. On Friday they were rewarded by a visit to Chillpoint laser arena. The whole week was accompanied by a smile on our faces. Have a look for yourself HERE.

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Summer camp I love Slovakia

Another week of holidays is behind us and we spent it by getting to know Slovakia better. We learned about Slovak history at Červený Kameň castle and Park of miniatures in Podolie. We also visited Čertova pec and Driny caves. On Friday we celebrated Melania’s birthday. We finished the whole week of Summer camp traditionally - with ice cream and visit to a cinema.

To see more photos, check our Gallery

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BESST action camp

During the BESST action camp, we had many adventures, lots of exercise and fun.
We visited the ecopark in Čierna Voda, animals in the Bratislava Zoo as well as spa town Piešťany. We tested our sports skills in a gymnastics-parkour hall and on the climbing wall. It was great and we are looking forward to the next summer camp.

To see more photos from the camp, click HERE

Ms. Romi and Ms. Viki

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Wandering Adventures Summer Camp

Last week we had a lot of fun in the Wandering Adventures camp and we had a lot of interesting activities - we wandered in a corn maze and successfully found all the indications, tested our strength in the Rope Center, jumped in the Jump Arena in Bratislava, enjoyed watching The Lion King at cinema, we played golf or archery. We finished this adventurous jurney by trip to Gazdovsky Dvor farm. We are already looking forward to another "wandering" next year ...

To see more photos, click here

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Creative Explorer Summer Camp

During BESST Creative Explorer Summer Camp we explored Trnava surroundings - not only have we visited Smolenice Castle, we also tried our luck playing golf, and had a great picnick in Budmerice castle garden, where we played disco-golf. We finished our amazing summer camp in Kidshouse and Jumpcity.

To see more photos click HERE

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Educational trip - Year 1 and 2

News from Radava:

In beautiful area, surrounded by nature, we are experiencing many adventures in the kingdom of Tramtaria. As proper knights, we make coats of arms, jewelry for countesses, shoot bows, ride horses, and cool down in the castle pool.
To see more photos, click HERE

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Educational Trip - Year 3 and Year 4

Our Educational Trip fro Year 3 and 4 started in beautiful Little Carphatians. In accomodation Adam they had plenty of interesting competitions and activities. One of them was enjoying the pool. They sure know how to have fun!
To see more photos from the trip, click HERE

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Knight games

On Friday afternoon, swordsmen from the historical fencing group HECTOR came to our school. The pupils were divided into teams and together on the "battlefield" they experienced the feelings of knights facing various pitfalls. The baits came in the form of foam balls during the historical paintball, or in battles with softened swords and shields. We have successfully completed all the challenges and at the end we understood that being a knight is not just a nice armor, a horse and a hill of fame, but that it is also an effort to be better and not give up even at the time of difficult trials. This was followed by a barbeque,  movies and entertainment until later at night. We enjoyed the history based activities and we look forward to seeing what the school will prepare for us next year.

For more photos click HERE

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A wonderful trip to Revište

7A kids experienced a wonderful trip to Reviste. We tried rafting down the Hron, hiking to the ruins of Reviste Castle at night, "dekomlat" and sitting at a bonfire till late night.

For more photos, click HERE

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BESST Sports Day

On Friday, May 31st, we came to school without school bags, and with joy and enthusiasm we spent a whole day doing various competitive and fun activities.
Blue house made the biggest effort and won the first place. With just few points difference, Green house won second place, while Yellow house came third. Since This year’s Sports Day was followed by International Children’s Day, every child got a sweet rewards as well.

To see more photos, click HERE

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Food Revolution Day

Once again this May, a day dedicated to fresh and tasty food was held to remind our students of the benefits of healthy eating, which needs to be a core in children`s education. This year, in addition, we were discussing the issue of food waste and ways we could help the people in need.

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Team Up!

This semester, as part of our Motivational System, BESST Secondary students visited Team Up amusement park. The aim of the trip was to test the team spirit and cooperation within the group. There were 20 rooms waiting for us and each room had a different role for players.
We all had great fun!

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BESST swimmers

Our Year 4 pupils finished 10-weeks swimming course, thanks to which they improved they swimming skills and learnt more swimming styles.
For their effort and courage thay received certificates.

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International Day of Biodiversity

In May, we celebrated the International Day of Biodiversity. We have prepared a variety of activities for pupils: finding sand animals, imitating movements, information about the social value of protected insects and much more. Among other things, pupils also read about various organisms on the National Geographic website, thanks to QR codes and iPads. We all had a great time and in the end we were surprised by the insect hotel built by our Year 2 pupils.
We are looking forward to other similar activities.

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International Day of Museums

The International Museum Day was held over the weekend of May 18, 2019, so our children from 3.A, 3.B, 3.C and 3.D chose to visit the West Slovak Museum in Trnava, where we a lovely guide. After a theoretical lecture we were introduced to workshops where we made beautiful souvenirs.

Ms. Natali

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Art Studio Exhibition 2019

On May 17, 2019, a ceremonial opening of the art works of the pupils attending the Art Studio under the leadership of Ms Adel, Mr Jozef and Ms Evka took place. In our school, in a lovely artistic atmosphere, children showed their art pieces: still life, Trnava streets, portraits, flowers and animal motifs, mandalas and hand-painted statues of bears “Buddy Bear”.

Children received huge applause, besides flowers and diplomas.

We believe that in such a great atmosphere, full of talent, we will meet next year ...

To see more photos from the exhibition, click HERE

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Woodsman visiting BESST

On 10.5. we were visited by a woodsman who told us many things about his work and also showed us some of his catches.
We learned new information about some species, about plants and how to look after nature. After the talk, mr woodsman surprised us with a competition from which some of us took a sweet reward.
It was a very enjoyable experience for us and we are already looking forward to seeing him again.

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Have you heard? Since April, in our school corridors you could hear music, sometimes even singing! How is that possible? Is it Queen at BESST? Maybe… But maybe it’s just our Secondary and High School students playingour new piano.
It has a special place on our top floor - it’s there for every musicial, so go ahead and try it out.

You might be surprised!

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BESST Open Day

On second week in April our school opened its doors to all interested in studying at our school. On Monday 8th April we welcomed parents of our preschool pupils and other parents to our Open Day. During the day they had an opportunity to attend the lessons and experience the educational process themselves.
From Tuesday to Friday we had First Grade enrollment. Our kindergarten giraffes, along with other children, did their best to solve tasks given by Ms Zuzka, Janka and Katka. As a reward for all their bravery and diligence, all the preschoolers received a gift the school management had prepared, as well as the little things their older friends had created for our new Primary School pupils.

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