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Daffodils Day

Traditionally, Daffodils Day was held at our school. On April 11, 2019 we could contribute to the voluntary financial collection of the League Against Cancer. By attaching daffodil flower, we expressed our support to cancer patients. Together we managed to collect € 843.01.
We thank all pupils, parents and school staff for their cooperation.

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Giraffes visit

Giraffes from our kindergarten came to visit us. We had lot of fun during our reading and writing lessons, maths, science and English language.

They experiences how it is like to be a first grader, so we look forward to September.

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Marathon of movement

On 4th April 2019 girls from our Secondary and High School tested their condition on Sports event called Marathon of movement.
The Marathon of movement is a traditional event, organised yearly at Trnava Sports centre in order to support Daffodils Day and fight againgst the cancer. Girls took part in 5 different excercises: TABATA, AEROBICS, POWER YOGA, ZUMBA and HIP-HOP.

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Night with Andresen 2019

This year round our Primary School spent night at school to honor Andresen. We have experienced a magical fairy-tale night full of fun but also interesting activities. After completing each activity we reached to the Princess of the Peas, which left us a clue how to find a treasure. Together, we managed to find the treasure before bedtime, so we could fully immerse ourselves in magical dreams.

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Trip to Kids house

Year 1 and Year 2 pupils had fun during their motivational system trip to Bratislava, where they visited KidsHouse as a reward for their hard work in Motivational System. They tried huge slide, jumped on trampolines, got lost in labyrinth and even played football. A special room for disco dancing gave them opportunity to dance, as well.

To see more photos, go to our GALLERY

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Ice-skating in Vienna

Motivational system rewards took us to Vienna this time. Wiener Eistraum - Vienna ice dream is in magical place - in front of famous Vienna city hall - at Rathausplatz. Beautiful sunny weather made this trip even more enjoyable for us.
We all had loads of fun together.

To see more photos, go to our GALLERY:  

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Slovak libraries Week

From 4th-10th March 2019 we celebrated Slovak libraries week. This year’s motto was ’Library for everyone’. Our pupils also took part in this celebration.
With their creativity they attracted some books to their fellow students.
In funny and educational way we got introduced to new interesting books.

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Talk with Braňo Jobus

Last week, Mr Braňo Jobus, a writer who wrote many interesting books, came to visit our Year 2 pupils. During the presentation he introduces his books to us. He even sang some of his songs to us!
We all had great time together!

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Sunny School Saturday

Painting school walls and decorating windows was no problem for our pupils and their parents. Thanks to them, the school playground has a sparkling new yellow facade. They carefully cut every single paper flower and leaf and made beautiful window decorations out of them.
The sun was shining and could not believe in what was going on at school on Saturday.

Have a look.

To see more photos, go to our gallery:

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Safer internet day

Everybody uses internet today. It became part of our lives, and our helper. However, sometimes we forget that it can also be dangerous. Through various activities we reminded ourselves for to stay protected.

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I know what I eat

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 participated in project called I know what I eat. The aim of the project was to motivate children to a healthy lifestyle and eating habits and to engourage them in their sport activities. They attended a presentation led by lecturers from the Department of Health, where they leant what a varied diet is. They built their own eating plan, and talked about the benefits of regular movement for our life.

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Ski Trip

On 28th January we went for a ski trip in skiing centre Gerlitzen in Austrian Alps. We enjoyed wonderful skiing on perfectly maintained hills, we improved our abilities and made friendship bonds. After a difficult day full of skiing we relaxed to the fullest extend in the hotel wellness centre every day. We also enjoyed much fun while playing games and doing various activities. At the end of the ski trip we enjoyed beautiful scenery of Alps. Whole trip was going on without problems thanks to exemplary behaviour of our students. We cannot wait for our next ski trip!

For more photos, click HERE

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BESST Art studio

The art studio opens the door to the world of colours, contours, beauty and joy.

We can´t wait to see the upcoming exhibition in our school. To see more photos, check our Gallery

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BESST Christmas Party - Year 1 and Year 2

In a snowy magical land lived cute little elves. They were no ordinary elves, they were the first and second graders who prepared a beautiful Christmas fairy tale for their parents and friends at the end of December. With their Christmas songs, nice poems and rhymes, beautiful theater performances especially in English, they made lots of people happy. In the end, they all sang a beautiful song together and wished everyone Merry Christmas...

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Tree of fulfilled wishes

This year we managed to bring smile to children’s faces. Through donations project called ‘Tree of fulfilled wishes’ this year we donated presents to Trnava Children’s hospital.

Thanks to our parents, pupils and teachers we made Christmas nicer to ill children who were forced to spend Christmas holidays at hospital. We hope that our donations will bring joy to all little patients at the hospital.

Thank you,

BESSt Team

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Christmas Party - Year 3 and Year 4

On 19th December 2018 our school hosted a BESST Christmas Party for Year 3 and Year 4. Like every year, the programme was colorful and original. We prepared various performances for parents: dance, musical instruments pieces and short plays.
Both our students and parents enjoyed the evening.

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St. Nicholas Educational Concert

No testing, no studying when St. Nicholas is coming! With this slogan, pupils welcomed their class teachers on 6th December.
This day was even more special for us thanks to a music recital by pupils from Music School in Hlohovec. Even Mikuláš and his angels came to see us. At the concert we sang, we learned some new songs and even saw a nice play.
And as we listened for the whole year, we found a sweet reward in our classrooms.

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The Book Fair

Sometimes all you need is to disappear; to get lost in stories and explorations. Through books one can dive into oceans of magic, fairy tales and adventures. Thanks to an English book distribution company Megabooks we got a chance to wander through a extraordinary book forest, and to take home a piece of the magic with us.

Ms Janka

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BESST Drumming

In November, we celebrate the Internatinal Day of Prevention of Child Abuse, the International Day of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Day of Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation.
For this reason, on 19. November 2018, the 5th year of the Drumming event called "Making Children Better to Hear"was held at. All schools involved started drumming at the same time accross whole Slovakia - at 11:00. Pupils at BESST were more than happy to participate in this project once again.

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Debate with a writer

On 13.11.2018 we had a debate with the writer Mária Ševčíková-Vrkoslavová. Year 2 and year 4 pupils attended this lovely evening. Mrs Ševčíková-Vrkoslavová brought her brown cocker spaniel Gordon, to whom Mrs Ivet wrote a beautiful note into his student book. Mrs Ševčíková-Vrkoslavová started writing her books after her former dog Gaston saved her life.
After the debate pupils had an opportunity to buy book with a dedication.

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