During our trip to the Silver Lake ranch in Galanta, organised within our Motivation system, we found out how to feed and take care of animals. Horse riding was also an exciting experience. Those who were not brave enough to ride a horse could take a ride in a horse carriage. After the farm tour a magician showed us some great tricks.
BESST Sports Day
On 1st June 2018 our small and not-so-small-anymore BESST family members had their big day. We celebrated International children's day with Sports. Primary pupils had 8 interesting disciplines while Secondary pupils had tournaments in volleyball and floorball, as well as relay run. Exhausting competitions were followed by the evaluation and announcement of winning team. This year, Green Team won the competition and repeated their success from last year. Congratulations.
Trip to Action Land
Fun, adrenaline, and excitement – these are all parts of our Motivation System. This time we went to the rope park Cunovo. Every one of us had an opportunity to test their physical strength while overcoming the rope obstacles.
We also had team games, which made us feel more competitive.
Our effort was rewarded by shared experiences and great memories.
Week of the Blue Button
Every year in May, UNICEF Slovakia organizes the Blue Button Week collection. The aim of the collection, which took place from 14th to 20th May 2018, is to provide humanitarian aid for children in conflict areas in Ukraine. For children, who were forced to grow up so quickly. We would like to give them back at least a bit of their childhood.
For this reason our school was again involved in the collection that took place at school on 15th May. By purchasing lemonade or fruit skewers, we have also helped children in Ukraine. Together, we collected € 230.66. We would like to say a big Thank You to all pupils, parents and teachers who helped and contributed to the collection.
RTVS in Art Studio
On Thursday, May 10, 2018, PhDr. Martin Jurčo, a RTVS reporter from Regina radio visited our school.
Donate a book to school
Larom-Farom Project for literature with...
Art Studio – Exhibition of Artworks
Poster exhibition against bullying
The project uses preventive social and educational activities to integrate pupils from classes through various activities, such as working on a joint poster.
Earth Day - this time about the electric waste
During the celebration of the Day of the Earth, pupils from the class 4.B with Ms. Ivi made interesting interactive activities for all school pupils. Children had the opportunity to visit 5 “houses” where they could learn something new, a brief instructional sound spot and quiz about the issue of recycling electric waste.
Second graders read to giraffes
Our second graders came back to pre-school years and visited little Giraffes in kindergarten. They read a fairy tale, danced and spent a nice time together.
Easter Egg Hunt
School hiking trip to Branč Castle
Daffodil Day 2018
Traditionally, the Daffodil Day has taken place at our school. On April 13, 2018, we could donate to the Voluntary Financial Collection of the League against Cancer.
Lecture about turtles
On Monday the 9th, Ing. Michal Bárta, PhD., President of the Turtle Clubs Club, visited our school and had a lecture about turtles.
Night with Andersen
Last Friday we celebrated the birthday of famous writer Hans Christian Andersen by popular event Night with Andersen.
Ski trip Donovaly
It's morning, it's snowy and we're ready for perfect skiing. Beautiful weather, so much snow and smiles on children’s faces were visible throughout the whole week of our skiing trip.
St. Valentine´s Day
The 14th February is a day when you think of the people who you love and who are important in your life more than on other days. At BESST we commemorated it accordingly.
Bird catches the worm
With this motto, artists came to talk about the importance of water for life. The main idea of he whole concert was the protection of water resources and water conservation.
Zumba with Zoli
The last Monday in January, the PE lesson of our 1st years was full of zumba. Our pupils danced around cheerfully and left with tired but happy faces.